I know exactly what you all are expecting.
Before you get too excited, let me just say now – this is NOT a story about my marginalized experience here at Chapman because I’m Persian blah blah blah.
I’ve written about 50 pieces here at Chapman with that same premise, and quite frankly, nobody gives a damn.
And I don’t want to do it anymore! I don’t want to do it.
Since when did it become my job to have to educate you all anyway? If you really give a damn, go Google, “the experience of Middle Eastern Americans.” Otherwise, sorry! That’s just not what this is about.
In fact, did anyone ever take the time to ask me what it is I want to write about? No. Why? Because given my skin color at this school, it’s only right that I forfeit every chance to express myself by drowning you all with Middle Eastern discrimination stats.
Screw that.
So what is this really all about then? Did I just waste your time making you read a rant that probably only applies to 4% of this school? Only if you choose to see it that way.
No, this story is about being a misfit.

What happened to that word? Misfits aren’t punks, they aren’t weird, and they are barely acknowledged anymore.
I’m a misfit to society. I’m a bisexual Middle Eastern American woman. Quite a mouthful of marginalization isn’t it?
Most people read that statement and assume I carry three disadvantages in my life. Mark my words – my identity is going to get me everywhere.
Why, you ask? Well, because more and more old white men are starting to realize the importance of telling underrepresented stories.
Because the world is tired of work produced by John Smith.
Because it’s honestly about damn time.
Except, here’s the problem: This old white man chose me! Haha. The idiot. He picked the wrong one.
He picked the misfit.
And well, you see, now I’m upset. I’ve realized that by writing about how much I DON’T want to talk about my marginalized experience, in turn, I have.
So, fine.
Are you happy now?

Hannah Nazari is a junior communication studies major with a minor in visual journalism. She is a self-described creative with a passion for writing and art, but mostly, she’s just a goof.
Hannah Nazari is a junior communication studies major with a minor in visual journalism. She is a self-described creative with a passion for writing and art, but mostly, she’s just a goof.